

Adobe Commerce AD0-E704덤프 질문과 답변|killtest

Killtest AD0-E704 덤프는 여러 선생님들이 공동으로 편찬하여 발표한 Adobe Certified Master - Adobe Commerce Architect 에 관한 시험 준비 자료이다. Adobe AD0-E704 시험의 98% 이상의 지식을 갖고 있다. Adobe 시험을 무사히 통과하여 자격증을 취득할 수 있도록 돕기 위해서입니다.

Adobe Commerce AD0-E704덤프 (한글판) - 100%적중률|killtest

Killtest AD0-E704 덤프의 모든 시험문제와 답안은 전부 최신의 Adobe AD0-E704질문과 답변 시험에서 나온 것이다. 각 판본은 Adobe 과 동시에 갱신할 수 있으며, 시종 시험에 합격할 수 있도록 한다.

이 시험은 Magento Commerce v2.3을 기반으로 합니다.
시험 정보
시험 번호: AD0-E704
시험 이름: Adobe Certified Master - Adobe Commerce Architect
인증 수준: 공인 마스터
상태: 활성
사용 가능한 언어: 영어
질문 수: 60
형식: 객관식
소요시간: 120분
배송: 현장/온라인 감독(카메라 액세스 필요) 또는 테스트 센터 감독
합격점: 38/60
가격: $225 USD / $150 USD(인도만 해당)

시험 목표
섹션 1: 마젠토 아키텍처(6%)
섹션 2: Magento UI(7%)
섹션 3: 데이터베이스 작업(14%)
섹션 4: 엔티티 속성 값(EAV) 모델 사용(10%)
섹션 5: Adminhtml로 개발(5%)
섹션 6: 카탈로그 사용자 지정(23%)
섹션 7: 결제 프로세스 사용자 지정(17%)
섹션 8: Magento Commerce 기능(13%)
섹션 9: Magento Security 이해(5%)

Adobe Certified Master - Adobe Commerce Architect AD0-E704 샘플 질문 공유
You have created a custom block MyCompany MyModule/Block/Product/Update/ php. Which two approaches allow you to set a template to your block?
A.Create protected variable $_template
B.Create template view /frontend/template/product/update, phtml
C.Configure block's constructor $template parameter via di. xml
D.Add an argument node in layout xml: ...
Answer: B, C

A merchant complains about the related accessory products, which they assigned to the virtual product, not being visible on the store front. What is the reason for this?
A.Related products association must be explicitly activated in the admin panel
B.Browser cache refresh is required
C.Virtual products do not support related products
D.Related products are out of stock
Answer: A

You are working on a project with a large database with many products, sales rules and CMS pages. The merchant is going to use Magento_Staging for scheduled updates, but they were told that use of Staging will modify all SQL queries and slow down website performance.
What modification does Magento_Staging make to existing SQL queries?

A.It creates a copy of the staged table with the staged data and joins the new table to replace original values with the staged ones
B.Every query which uses staged entities will have an additional join to the staging_update table filtered by the current version
C.Magento.staging does not modify any existing queries so it has no additional impact
D.For every query that uses staged entities it adds an additional were statement to filter a row by the current version
Answer: D

You are implementing a custom module MyCompany_MyModule which displays a new link in the Action column in the Orders grid. The purpose of this link is to synchronize the order summary data with an ERP system. You must make permissions to use this link manageable with the Magento ACL.
Which two steps are required to do this?

A.Add a plugin On \Magento\Sales\Ui\Component\Listing\Column\ViewAction: :prepareDataSource to add link and Check permission
B.Add the configuration of the new link with aclResource value for the sales_order_grid. xmi
C.Add a controller MyCompany\MyModule\Controller\Adminhtml\Synchronize\Orders and specify a valid value for the ADMIN_REROURCE Constant
D.Add a plugin on the grid\Magento\Framework\view\Eiement\UIComponent\DataProvider\DataProvider to add the link and check permissions
Answer: B, C

You have a task to modify the grand total on the checkout page with a negative price adjustment which depends on the shipping address postcode. What are two approaches to be used in this case?
A.Create a new shopping cart price rule with a condition based on the shipping address postcode
B.Create a Javascript mixin for the Magento_Checkout/ js /view /summary/,subtotal, change total there and Magento will submit the modified total when placing an order
C.Create a new total collector which adds a negative price adjustment based on the postcode
D.Create an observer on the event sales_quote_collect_totals_after, get the quote object, check the postcode and set the modified grand total into it
Answer: A, C

While debugging a problem with a scheduled product update, you want to get a list of products that are scheduled for the next update. How does Magento Staging store scheduled entities?
A.Scheduled entities are stored in a copy of the entity table with a _ version suffix
B.Scheduled entities are stored in their tables as separate rows with version stored in the created_in updated_in fields
C.In the table staging_update as a serialized array of ids in the field entity_ids
D.In the table sTaging_scheduied_entity where each scheduled entity is represented by a row related to the staging_update table
Answer: D