

Tableau TDS-C01試験情報は、最初に試験を勉強するのに役立ちます|ktest

Tableau DesktopスペシャリストTDS-C01試験は、Tableau Desktopの基礎的なスキルと理解があり、この理解を製品に適用して少なくとも3か月の人を対象としています。 ktestは、最新のTableau Desktop Specialist TDS-C01学習ガイドをリリースしました。これは、このTableauTDS-C01試験を学習するのに最適な資料です。 TDS-C01試験の準備をしている場合は、関連するすべてのTableau DesktopSpecialistTDS-C01試験情報が準備に役立ちます。

Tableau TDS-C01試験情報
Tableau TDS-C01試験情報は、最初に試験を勉強するのに役立ちます。

Which of the following is the best reason to use an extract instead of a live connection?
A. Your data source only supports a live connection via ODBC.
B. You need to refresh the data as often as possible.
C. You need to apply an aggregation that takes a very long time when using a live connection.
D. You need to join tables in the data source.
Answer: C

You created a group by using field labels in a view. You need to remove several members from a group. What should you do?
A. From the view, right-click the group members and select Exclude.
B. From the Data pane, right-click the group and select Edit Group.
C. From the view, right-click the group members and select Format.
D. From the color legend, right-click the group members and select Format legends.
Answer: B

Which two interactive elements can you add to a dashboard?
A. URL actions
B. Edit tooltip options
C. Filter actions
D. Hide and unhide all sheet options
Answer: AC

What type of field would display the average value of homes in the United States for the calendar year 2020?
A. A discrete date part dimension
B. A continuous date value dimension
C. A geographical dimension
D. An aggregated measure
Answer: D