

Salesforce 認定 B2C Commerce Architect 試験問題集を提供します|ktest

Salesforce Certified B2C Commerce Architect 認定を取得すると、スキルが磨かれ、知識が向上します。 ktestは、B2C Commerce Architect 認定試験に合格するために必要なすべての最新の試験目的をカバーする、Salesforce 認定 B2C Commerce Architect 試験問題集を提供します。 Salesforce Certified B2C Commerce Architect 資格試験は、試験の概要とパターンの変更に合わせて頻繁に更新されます。最新の Salesforce Certified B2C Commerce Architect 試験問題集を使用していることを確認して、最初のショットで Salesforce Certified B2C Commerce Architect 試験を簡単にクリアできるようにしてください。

Salesforce Certified B2C Commerce Architect 試験内容
Salesforce B2C Commerce アーキテクト資格について
Salesforce 認定 B2C コマース アーキテクト資格は、標準的なデザイン パターンを使用して複数のブランドとチャネルをサポートするグローバル サイトをデザインした経験を持つ個人を対象としています。 Salesforce 認定 B2C コマース アーキテクトは、B2C コマース デベロッパーとして認定されており、通常は 5 年以上の e コマースの経験があります。

Salesforce B2C Commerce Architect 試験の詳細は次のとおりです。
内容: 多肢選択/複数選択問題 60 問と採点なしの問題 2 問
試験の所要時間: 105 分
合格点: 65%
登録料: 400 米ドル、および現地の法律に従って適用される税金
再取得手数料: 200 米ドル、および現地の法律に従って適用される税金
配信オプション: 試験監督付き試験は、テスト センターでオンサイトで配信されます。試験のスケジュールについては、ここをクリックしてください。
前提条件: 現在の Salesforce 認定 B2C Commerce 開発者資格を保持している

Salesforce B2C Commerce Architect 試験では、次の目的に関連する受験者の知識とスキルを測定します。候補者は、B2C Commerce の実務経験があり、以下の各分野の知識と専門知識を実証できる必要があります。
設計/発見: 29%
ビルド: 19%
監視/トラブルシューティング: 14%
統合とカスタマイズ: 22%
ローンチ: 16%

Salesforce 認定 B2C コマース アーキテクトのサンプル質問を共有する

A merchant using B2C Commerce and Service Cloud has a requirement for service agents to order products on behalf of shoppers. In the envisioned scenario, a shopper contacts the service center with an order request, the agent uses the Service Console to find the shopper's account, and initiate an order on behalf of the shopper using payment information provided by the shopper. The merchant is considering the B2C Commerce - Service Cloud Connector for this implementation.
Which three considerations should a Solution Architect keep in mind prior to implementation? Choose 3 answers

A.Guests or anonymous storefront shoppers are not supported in this scenario.
B.B2C Commerce needs to be registered as a remote site.
C.Service agents need a corresponding storefront login mapped to their Service Cloud user record.
D.The Service Cloud Connector only supports Person Accounts as a customer model.
E.The Service Cloud Connector only supports contacts as a customer model.
Answer: C, D

A retail company currently uses 62C Commerce and Marketing Cloud to enable a seamless customer experience. They are evaluating tools to better support customer service activities like their call center for online ordering and social customer service.
Which two functionalities should a Solution Architect discuss with the company to explain the value of Service Cloud? Choose 2 answers

A.Ability to create a B2C storefront using Digital Experiences.
B.Ability to de-duplicate and create a single customer identity.
C.Ability to allow the agent to see purchase history to support case management
D.Ability to have a customer leave a journey when they have an escalated case.
Answer: B, C

A company wants to Implement B2C Commerce and Service Cloud and connect the systems with their existing Instance of Marketing Cloud.
Which two tactics should a Solution Architect recommend to model a customer across all three systems? Choose 2 answers

A.Migrate the Subscriber Key in Marketing Cloud to be the Service Cloud Contact or Person Account ID.
B.Use Customer 360 Data Manager to assign the Global Party ID and use it as a primary key across all systems including the new Subscriber ID in Marketing Cloud.
C.Using Service Cloud as a central point hold unique identifiers from all systems including the Service Cloud Contact or Person Account ID and B2C Commerce CustomerNo and Customer ID
D.Send the Marketing Cloud Subscriber Key to Service Cloud and B2C Commerce to be held for reference.
Answer: A, C

A company recently launched their ecommerce sites for three countries: Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore. The company is now looking to set up marketing automations using Marketing Cloud.
Their B2C Commerce is configured with two realms: ANZ and SE Asia. Each country has a site within their respective realm: Australia and New Zealand sites are within ANZ and Singapore is within SE Asia.
Which account hierarchy should a Solution Architect recommend for the Marketing Cloud set up?

A.Use a separate Marketing Cloud tenant for each site
B.Use a separate Marketing Cloud tenant for each realm and map business units to sites within each realm
C.Use a single Marketing Cloud tenant and map business units to each site irrespective of the realm
D.Use a single Marketing cloud tenant and map business units to each realm
Answer: C

Given the above OCAPI definitions, which permission or permissions apply?
A.Allows external applications to create coupons
B.Allows external applications to create, update, and delete coupons
C.Allow external applications to create, update, and delete both coupons and coupon codes
D.Allows external applications to update coupons
Answer : D

A merchant is selling a new product line of televisions. In order to deliver a good customer experience, the merchandising team wants the screen size to be incorporated into the search and navigation journey.
Which two things can the developer do to facilitate this for them?
Choose 2 answers

A.Create a new search refinement for a Boolean value true or false and label it 'big screen.'
B.Define a new searchable attribute for Screen Size.
C.Configure catalog-level search refinement definition for Screen Size.
D.Configure Screen Size threshold search refinement bucket definitions.
Answer : B, C